Created 1988 Acquired 19881210
"Chromeky blue panel, flourescent orange dot & stool"
Exhibited Laguna Art Museum 1998-9 "Life Lessons: How Art Can Change Your Life"
The adopted strategy here is color field painting. The dot in the center takes charge of the piece once you see it. Alternatively it's at an adjustable distance on the stool. This feels like it's about the dilemma of making contact with something (or someone) when it's not interested in you.
It is easy to miss the tiny orange dot at the center of the painting, but once you've seen it, the work will never be the same again.
"Exh:Laguna Art Museum, 1998-9, 'Life Lessons; ...'"
Circle of Deceit
Created 1994
Acquired 199411
Coasters from 'Lost Dogs & Beer' show
Created 1992-3?
Acquired 19930300
Curse of the Chumash
Acquired 1991
Dead Old Men and Dead Fish in the Land of the Rising Sun
Created 1991
Acquired 19971112
Fabricated UFO Sighting at Monte Carlo with the Jewels from Hong Kong (In Your Dreams)
Created 1991
Acquired 19971112
Flying High in the Sky with Peyote in your Eye (Crest)
Created 1991
Acquired 19971112
Groom Lake
Created 1995
Acquired 1995
Gulf Breeze Sightings [UFO]
Acquired 19946
Himalayan Expedition
Created 1989
Acquired 1989914
Installation of Dots
Created 1988
Acquired 19880629
Key Rack
Created 1988
Acquired 1989 1
Created 1992
Acquired 19932
Created 1992
Acquired 1999430
Old Dead Men and Dead Fish
Created 1990
Acquired 1990 2
Segmented Worm Head
Created 1990
Acquired 1990522
Speed Racer
Created 1988
Acquired 19881210
UFO photos
Created 1997
Acquired 1998
Created 1997
Acquired 1998
"What I would make were I a dung beetle but, I'm not"
Created 1991
Acquired 1991 5